Educational Affairs - Office of Educational Development

A Brief History of OED

UTMB's Office of Educational Development was founded on February 15, 1971. Initially designated the Office of Research in Medical Education, it was given its current name in 1981 to reflect its broader functions within the School of Medicine.

OED Directors

Harold G. Levine, MPA - Founding Director (1971-1981)
Barbara Johnson, PhD (1981-1983)
Abdul Sajid, EdD (1983-1991)
Linda Perkowski, MS (1991-1993)
Andrew Payer, PhD - Interim Director (1994-1995)
M. Gwendie Camp, PhD (1995-2001)
Robert Beach, MD (2001-2004)
Ann W. Frye, PhD (2005-2014)
Majka Woods, PhD (2015 - 2018)
Era Buck, PhD (2018 - present)


The Founding of an Educational Development Office: A Personal Memoir - Harold G. Levine (Published in honor of the 30th anniversary of the Office of Educational Development, University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston; February 15, 2001)