Interested in conducting research with student data?
Students: while in school you may become interested in gathering or retrieving data on your peers or courses. It is important that you become familiar with the important steps that follow in order to successfully accomplish your goal.
Conducting research takes time and we advise you to start the process with your faculty sponsor early in the process. The same process applies for staff as a faculty sponsor will be needed for ERC and IRB. Before you begin your research, please follow
this process:
- You must be actively enrolled as a UTMB student or employed at UTMB as faculty or staff
- Students and staff must identify a faculty advisor or sponsor to assist with the process/research objectives, aims, methods, and survey instruments if applicable.
- You must complete the Educational Research Committee Forms found here; concurrently,
- You must complete IRB training,
register project in Velos, and complete InfoEd forms; and
- You must obtain final approval (signature) by Dr. Ruth Levine, Associate Dean, Student Affairs and Admissions
Students, please contact Dr. Norma A. Pérez Raifaisen at (409) 772-1442 or
Staff and faculty, please contact Era Buck at or the Office of Educational Development at